Great Pasadena Moving, Estate Sale, designer contemporary furniture.
They are moving and selling wonderful contemporary furnishings, decorative items and household goods.
There is furniture designed by Crate and Barrel, Restoration Hardware, Barbra Barry, Kreiss, High back chairs by McGuire, 4 poster king bed by Fernandez, Chinese armoires and teak dining table by Suzanne Hollis. There is an antique Mason and Hamlin grand piano, sofas, coffee tables, chairs, Crate and Barrel work station child’s bed, shelving, antique Empire dresser with mirror, oak pressed back child’s chair, antique child’s Windsor rocker.
An original oil painting by Viola Frey and signed lithographs by LeRoy Neiman and Marc Chagall. Also Waterford, Stuben and Tiffany crystal, accessories by Jonathan Adler, Williams Sonoma, Chinese ginger jars and ceramics. Teak patio set, Brown and Jordan patio furniture designer large planters with plants.
There is also a full garage with sporting goods, toys, bicycles, CDs, DVDs, books, custom rims, linens, bedding and clothing. Please look at our photos.